Saturday, April 21, 2012

First three days....

well it's been hot since the get! I have been hiking in a group of 6 until tonight, we lost one at Mount Laguna Lodge. His name is Blacksnake, he is 68, on his 4th attempt of the PCT. He is from Ireland but most recently of Houston. Also, George a 58 year old fresh on retirement after serving 38 years on the force as a detective. Maya, a nurse from Berkeley and David a scientist from Seattle both my age.
We are a solid 16+ miles per day do far, probably take it easy on the way into julian and then up to Warner springs before kickoff.
Some other hikers met or camped with are: yoshi, chef, blaze and her sister,wolf (24k miles hikes, did 43 yesterday on his first day) Marcos from Germany, oh and a few more who have evaded my memory for now. Anyway, thought i'd do what I could when I had a chance! Thanks for following along...
