Sorry for the hiatus. Good news is that I have completed the Oregon and California sections of the hike. I now only have about 470 miles of hiking left. I am finally in Washington and less than a month away from my moment at the monument.
Mostly all I can say about Oregon is that it was absolutely fantastic. From Crater Lake, to the 3 Sisters, Mt. Thielsen, Mt. Washington, Mt. Hood and Jefferson. Oh and the amazing Tunnel Falls. Oregon has been so kind and gentle as far as the hiking:views ration goes, and I have met some amazing people while being reconnected with a few from way earlier on in the hike . I have been having so much fun and the trail community is as amazing as ever. I have been connected with some absolutely stellar trail angels, and received some magic in the most amazing of places. Huge thanks to Joe Shelley (shrek) for his capacity to endlessly keep helping and hosting us hikers in his haven that is 'Shrek's Swamp' in Cascade Locks. Also thanks to Corrinna(sp?) and Pat for the ride down to the post office to help in making sure I was there before they closed, and for returning my phone I had left in their car! Thanks for everything folks!