left my wallet in Chester....seriously a bonehead move. Must have been in some sort of shake...er...malt coma. On the upside, Hee-Haw, Swiss-Army and myself got some insider info on a old fashioned ice cream shoppe/counter. After the malt, we hit up a great Chinese place.
So the wallet was found, I called they had it, my buddy Wolverine (wolverinePCT.blogspot) behind me picked it up and I just have to wait for him to catch up to get it back to me. Major crisis averted. Meanwhile, I am at an awesome place in Lassen National Park, Drakesbad Guest Ranch, a mineral hot-springs and resort. Super hiker friendly, free showers, laundry, and swimming, super cheap food!!!
There are some crazy boiling sulfuresque pools nearby, and air pockets venting gases, crazy stuff hiking next to so much volcanic terrain instead of granite....effin' good times!!
Hat Creek Rim is up next, the major waterless section in nor*cal. Should be no biggie, I am gonna hit that hot stretch like a bullet from a .45 and. Hike through the night I think. Back to night hikes looking out for rattlers...and pumas...
it's heating up, so stay cool